You must use a unique email for EACH registration so that you can access and receive your receipt and conference information. Duplicate emails will not be accepted.

Attendee Registration


Member Registration (By February 12, 2025) :
Non-Member Registration:
Onsite (After February 12, 2025):
Register Now

Sponsor & Exhibitor Registration


5 Minutes to introduce your company during the opening of the meeting
Website ad (500w x 250h PX PNG or JPEG)
Reserved exhibitor table, 6 ft. table display.
3 attendee registrations
Logoed signage at entrance to meeting
Full page ad in program (7.5 x 10 inches)
Logo & link on all e-blasts
Pre and post attendee lists
Logo on website, in program, and on signage

Verbal recognition by emcee during the general session
Reserved prime exhibitor table, 6 ft. table display
2 attendee registrations
1/2 page logo in program with sponsorship recognition
Logo as official luncheon sponsor on state website
Logoed signage at entrance to lunch/reception/breakfast
Pre and post attendee lists
Logo on website, in program, and on signage
Company listed on 1 e-blast

Verbal recognition by emcee during the general session
Reserved prime exhibitor table, 6 ft. table display
1 attendee registration
1/2 page logo in program with sponsorship recognition
Logo as official luncheon sponsor on state website
Logoed signage at entrance to lunch/reception/breakfast
Pre and post attendee lists
Logo on website, in program, and on signage
Company listed on 1 e-blast

1 attendee registration
6 ft. table display
Pre and post attendee lists
Logo on website, in program, and on signage
Direct contact with attendees
Company listed on 1 e-blast
No reserved table, exhibitor set up is first come-first served
Register Now